Star wars galaxy of heroes mods guide
Star wars galaxy of heroes mods guide

It greatly empowers the First Order fleet, turning what was previously a somewhat ragtag group of unconnected First Order ships into a synergistic and dangerous control fleet that works very well on offense. function changeStats(val) Sun Fac has +50% counter chance.

star wars galaxy of heroes mods guide

Counter teams against: Commander Luke Skywalker. In addition, whenever a buffed enemy starts their turn, Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter gains 30% Turn Meter, 60% Defense and Taunt until the … Details of how to use and mod Sun Fac within specific teams can be found on the following pages: > Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Description: Sun Fac has +20% counter chance. May 4, 2019, As I have done for every Legendary SWGoH event in the past two years, I will once again be live blogging my experiences from the…, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - GameChangers, SWGOH - Mods, SWGOH Characters Last updated: Captain Han Solo. Galaxy Star Rating - 5A character review on his abilities his stats and how to mod him.

star wars galaxy of heroes mods guide

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where … Amilyn Holdo. Potency primary cross, protection primary circle / triangle, speed arrow.

Star wars galaxy of heroes mods guide